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2024-04-19 14:41:09 来源:山海文学 点击:1
1、就算所有人都离开我,未来有你足够了。 Even if everyone leaves me, you will be enough in the future. 2、你吻过我的唇,我却不是你最爱的人。 You kiss my lips, but I'm not your favorite. 3、光没有分别地照向每个人,暗亦如此。 Light does not shine on everyone separately, so does darkness. 4、放下旧日恋情,才能真正重新开始。 Let go of the old relationship, and you can really start again. 5、其实我们都在等,等对方先放手。 In fact, we are all waiting for each other to let go. 6、不听、不想、不看、不说、不问。 Don't listen, don't think, don't see, don't say, don't ask. 7、你对他用的许多词语,让我心疼到死。 You use many words to him, let me heartache to death. 8、我赌上一辈子的幸福,却发现你一直希望我输。 I bet my whole life on happiness, only to find that you always want me to lose. 9、我看着你,你却没看见我,你心里有我么? I look at you, but you don't see me. Do you have me in your heart? 10、我们青春里的那段爱恋,被时间淹没不见了。 The love in our youth is lost by time. 11、为何明明在意对方,却要彼此的伤害。 Why care about each other, but want to hurt each other. 12、兴之所至,心之所安;尽其在我,顺其自然。 If you are interested, you will feel at ease; if you do your best, let it be. 13、嘘,别打扰他,他在哄别的女孩子。 Shh, don't disturb him. He's coaxing other girls. 14、多一点爱,就多一点疲惫。 More love, more fatigue. 15、如果时光倒流、我们又抓得住什么。 If time goes back, what can we grasp. 16、太多的话哽咽在喉咙,我怕张嘴就是嘶吼。 Too many words choked in the throat, I'm afraid the mouth is roaring. 17、分手不过两个字,但却是扎在心里最疼的刺。 Break up but two words, but it is the most painful thorn in the heart. 18、得有多失望才舍得,放弃曾经那么在乎的人。 How disappointed to be willing to give up once so care about people. 19、如果可以重新来过,我定与你擦肩而过。 If I can start over, I will pass you by. 20、你的眼神,在我内心还是这么深刻。 Your eyes are still so deep in my heart. 21、因害怕失败而不敢放手一搏,永远不会成功。 Fear of failure and dare not give up, will never succeed. 22、我也曾很用心,只是后来失了热情。 I used to be very attentive, but later I lost my enthusiasm. 23、再美的爱情,乜抵不过一句再见。 No matter how beautiful the love is, it's no more than a goodbye. 24、你已不在身边,慌张席卷了世界。 You are no longer around, panic seat volume of the world. 25、我是你无奈的选择,却不是多么爱的人。 I am your helpless choice, but not how much love. 26、爱情的再见,人生的思念,只是孤独的错。 The goodbye of love and the missing of life are just the fault of loneliness. 27、有人迷途知返,便是苦尽甘来。 Some people who have lost their way know how to return, that is to say, they have done their best. 28、冷笑,我们的爱情抵不过世俗流年。 Sneer, our love is worth the secular fleeting time. 29、付出了全部、青春已荒芜原来只是一个错误! Paid all, youth has been desolate, the original is just a mistake! 30、真正懂得寂寞的人,才知道什麽是愛。 Only those who really understand loneliness know what love is. 31、爱你狠荒唐。你没感觉我却身受重伤。 It's ridiculous to love you. You didn't feel it, but I was seriously injured. 32、朋友可以变成恋人,而恋人却无法变成朋友。 A friend can become a lover, but a lover cannot become a friend. 33、重要的不是他有多好,而是他对你有多好。 What matters is not how good he is, but how good he is to you. 34、多少句我爱你,最后变成我爱过你。 How many I love you, finally become I love you. 35、孤单年少岁月长,暮色沉沉晚风凉。 Lonely young years long, the dusk is heavy, the evening wind is cool. 36、谁不是一边受伤,一边坚强。 Who is not injured while strong. 37、不要羡慕别人的幸福,可能是装给你看的。 Don't envy the happiness of others, maybe it's for you. 38、等待,也许并不容易;伤害,却轻而易举。 It may not be easy to wait, but it is easy to hurt. 39、写了太多悲伤的字眼,都忘了幸福怎么描绘了。 Write too many sad words, forget how to describe happiness. 40、我放手成全你,算不算勇敢。 Is it brave for me to let you go. 41、不要妄想每个人都待你如朋友。 Don't assume that everyone treats you like a friend. 42、醉的人们举起酒杯,笑的眼里全是泪。 Drunk people raise their glasses and smile with tears in their eyes. 43、平静是因为已经有所决定,决定了要等下去。 Calm is because we have decided to wait. 44、宇宙尘埃,继续它的流浪,却有温暖相随。 The dust of the universe continues its wandering, but there is warmth with it. 45、耳朵里塞满悲伤,我听不到幸福。 My ears are full of sadness, I can't hear happiness. 46、来路风尘仆仆,毕竟神明不渡众生苦。 After all, the gods do not pass the sufferings of all living beings. 47、别说我很高傲,只是我拒绝与禽兽打交道! Don't say I'm arrogant, but I refuse to deal with animals! 48、亲爱的!原来看着你的照片也可以那么幸福。 dear! Originally looking at your photos can also be so happy. 49、我嫁给你等于鸟儿嫁给鸟笼,鱼儿嫁给鱼缸! I marry you to be equal to bird to marry birdcage, fish to marry aquarium! 50、嘴上说,戒掉我,心里说,记得我。 Mouth said, quit me, heart said, remember me. 51、我不喜欢别人欺骗我,又一次站到那些欺骗。 I don't like to be cheated by others. Once again, I stand up to those cheaters. 52、你说时间会冲淡一切,距离会让我们好过些。 You said time will dilute everything and distance will make us feel better. 53、能够耐心倾听的人,是值得信赖的人。 People who listen patiently are trustworthy. 54、除了两情相悦,其余的喜欢都是心酸。 In addition to love, the rest of the like is sad. 55、那一抹伤感,透过你的目光打在我的心底。 That touch of sadness, through your eyes hit in my heart. 56、寂寞落魄哀伤,无非是来了又去旳过往。 Loneliness, depression and sadness are nothing but the past that has come and gone. 57、记忆里勾起我许多感觉,但最终都是与你有关。 I have many feelings in my memory, but it's all about you in the end. 58、我们只能是普通朋友无论我怎么挽救。 We can only be ordinary friends no matter how I save them. 59、傻瓜,别总熬夜早点休息好吗! Fool, don't always stay up late and have a rest early, OK! 60、我不要周游世界,我只要找到你。就可以。 I don't want to travel around the world, I just want to find you. Can. 61、有些人,遇不见,是错过;遇见了,是过错! Some people, met, is missed; met, is the fault! 62、隔着眼泪看世界,整个世界都在下雨。 Looking at the world through tears, the whole world is raining. 63、过往已不重要,过去式不需要再留恋。 The past is no longer important, the past tense does not need to be nostalgic. 64、我真的准备放弃你了,拜托你别再出现了。 I'm really ready to give you up. Please don't show up again. 65、我知道你已经不属于我,但我不相信。 I know you don't belong to me anymore, but I don't believe it. 66、清醒,知趣,有礼貌。 Sober, witty, polite. 67、一但错过,就成过错。 Once you miss it, you make a mistake. 68、用利指尖缠我,用热吻逃避我。 With sharp fingertips around me, with kisses to escape me. 69、好聚好散,以后,还是朋友。 It's easy to get together and break up. In the future, it's still a friend. 70、我只是失去了,想得到,得到了,想不要。 I just lost, want to get, get, don't want to. 71、浪花向前铺进,埋葬剩下的狼藉。 The waves spread forward, burying the rest of the mess. 72、地球转变方向,谁能还在原地等着我? The earth changes direction, who can still wait for me in situ? 73、你是我的鲜明色彩,也是我的灰暗黑白。 You are my bright color, but also my gray black and white. 74、梦里夜里不在有你陪、孤独的我、孤独的美。 Dream night is not with you, lonely me, lonely beauty. 75、是不是因为下雨了,今夜迟迟睡不着。 Is it because of the rain that I can't sleep tonight. 76、没有结局的感情,总要结束。 No ending of the feelings, always end. 77、海枯了石烂了,也宁愿一生一世为你心碎。 The sea is withered and the stone is rotten. I would rather be heartbroken for you all my life. 78、舍不得丢掉残留的温度,却忘了伤疤还在痛。 Reluctant to lose the residual temperature, but forget the scar is still painful. 79、对我来说,原谅是个奢侈品,我给不起。 For me, forgiveness is a luxury that I can't afford. 80、我坚信,没有什么能够阻挡得了爱情。 I firmly believe that nothing can stop love. 81、放弃,不是不爱了,而是懂得了。 Give up, not do not love, but understand. 82、这些都与我无关,可静静看着会很温暖。 These have nothing to do with me, but it will be warm to watch quietly. 83、据说,太爱一个人,那个人就不会爱你。 It is said that if you love someone too much, that person will not love you. 84、我说分手是想被挽留,你却顺口祝我自由。 I said that breaking up is to be detained, but you wish me freedom. 85、我敌不过你的眼泪你敌不过我的赞美。 I can't match your tears, you can't match my praise.




